
The primary function of pemcoupling is to compute coupling functions for auxillary channels to the GW channel using data from PEM injections.


Help overview

The general recipe for using pemcoupling is as follows:

  1. Specify a configuration file.

2. Specify at least one analysis section of the configuration file to process.

  1. Specify injection time(s).
  2. Specify additional optional arguments.

This page will explain how to do each of these.

Below is information that can be found through the --help menu:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/docs/checkouts/", line 4, in <module>
    __import__('pkg_resources').run_script('pemcoupling==0.0.11.dev2', 'pemcoupling')
  File "/home/docs/checkouts/", line 666, in run_script
    self.require(requires)[0].run_script(script_name, ns)
  File "/home/docs/checkouts/", line 1469, in run_script
    exec(script_code, namespace, namespace)
  File "/home/docs/checkouts/", line 7, in <module>
  File "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/pemcoupling/", line 10, in <module>
  File "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/pemcoupling/", line 14, in <module>
  File "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/pemcoupling/", line 6, in <module>
  File "/home/docs/checkouts/", line 22, in <module>
    from .core import (TimeSeriesBase, TimeSeriesBaseDict, TimeSeriesBaseList)
  File "/home/docs/checkouts/", line 54, in <module>
    from gwosc.api import DEFAULT_URL as GWOSC_DEFAULT_HOST
  File "/home/docs/checkouts/", line 29, in <module>
    from urllib.request import urlopen
ImportError: No module named request

Specifying a config file

Running pemcoupling always requires pointing to the desired configuration file. Default config files are provided in the config_files/ directory, and can be copied and edited to your liking. See the Configuring pemcoupling page for more information. Below is an example of a config file for LHO.

Example configuration file

Specifying a configuration section

The analysis portion of the configuration file is split into sections. In the above example, the [MAG] section covers analysis options and channel info for magnetometer channels, the [ACC] section for accelerometers, and so on. You can make your own sections or modify the existing ones.

When running pemcoupling, you must specify one or more section to use, e.g.

pemcoupling config.ini ACC MIC

Specifying channels

If no channel options (--channel or --channel-list) are provided, the channel list(s) provided in the config file under the chosen section(s) will be used.

The station option is usually desireable for only using channels located in a particular station (CS, EX, or EY). For a more general method of searching for channel names, use --search-channels:

# Process corner station channels provided in the ACC and MIC sections
pemcoupling config.ini ACC MIC --station CS

# Process HAM5 and HAM6 channels provided in the ACC and MIC sections
pemcoupling config.ini ACC MIC --search-channels "HAM5 or HAM6"

Channel list

A custom channel list can be provided in the config file or using the channel-list command-line option:

pemcoupling config.ini ACC MIC -C channel_list.txt

The channel_list.txt can consist of just a column of channel names, but can also include a second column of calibration factors and a third column of sensor units, in the same format as seen in channel lists in the example config in Specifying a config file.

# Example of a channel list file **without** calibration info

# Example of a channel list file **with** calibration info

Specific channels

Single channels can be provided individually via

pemcoupling config.ini ACC -c H1:PEM-CS_ACC_PSL_TABLE_1_Z_DQ -c H1:PEM-CS_ACC_PSL_PERISCOPE_X_DQ

This would analyze the two PSL accelerometers over all the injections provided in injection list. To use custom calibration factors for each channel, split the channel and calibration factor with a comma (no space), e.g.

pemcoupling config.ini WFS -c H1:IMC-WFS_A_DC_PIT_OUT,8.3e-2

Filtering channels by name

The user can search for a string pattern in the channel names:

# Use config file channels that have "PSL" in their nmae
pemcoupling config.ini ACC --search-channels PSL

or in a custom channel list file:

# Use custom channel list channels that have "PSL" in their name
pemcoupling config.ini ACC -C channel_list.txt --search-channels PSL

Filtering channels by location

Using the --station option is a useful shorthand for searching for channels from a specific interferometer/station:

# Use config file channels located at the Corner Station
pemcoupling config.ini ACC --station CS

Specifying injection times

There are many ways to provide pemcoupling with injection info, each tailored to a different use case. Here is a summary of when you might want to use each of these options:

Method Usage
-I (injection list) You already have names and times recorded for all the injections you want to analyze.
-t (single pair of times) You’ve done one injection and just want to quickly get some coupling functions done.
-d (DTT file or directory) You just have DTT files of your injections.

Injection list

By default, pemcoupling looks for a list of injection names and times in the configuration files. A list of injections can also be provided from the command line with

pemcoupling config.ini ACC -I injection_list.txt

Either way the list must be a file with three (comma-separated) columns, where each row is an injection name, a background (quiet) GPS time, and an injection GPS time, e.g.


Single background and injection time

Specify just a single background (quiet) time and a single injection (loud) time with

pemcoupling config.ini ACC -t <background time> <injection time>

DTT file(s)

When using DTT (Diagnostic Test Tool) files in .xml format, the name of each DTT file becomes the name of the corresponding injection.


Be careful when using DTT files for injection times! The injection time is determined from the most recent measurement time in the DTT, and the background time is determined from the earliest reference time (unless it is the same as the injection time of a different injection in the same suite of DTTs, in which case the next most recent is chosen as background, and so on).

pemcoupling can use the times found in one or more DTT files in .xml format:

# Single DTT file
pemcoupling config.ini ACC -d DTT_file.xml

# Multiple DTT files
pemcoupling config.ini ACC -d DTT_file1.xml DTT_file2.xml DTT_file3.xml

# A DTT files in a directory
pemcoupling config.ini ACC -d DTT_directory/*.xml

Searching injections

If multiple injections are provided, whether by an injection list or by DTT files, the user can search for a string pattern in the injection names, e.g. searching for injections containing “acoustic”, out of directory of DTT files:

pemcoupling config.ini ACC -d DTT_directory --search-injections acoustic

Full examples

Example #1

Suppose we’ve run one injection, to look at LLO PSL jitter via the WFS channels. We can analyze the WFS channels with our own calibration factors at the times we’re interested in:

pemcoupling config.ini WFS -c L1:IMC-WFS_A_I_PIT_OUT_DQ,2e-3 -c L1:IMC-WFS_A_I_YAW_OUT_DQ,6.8e-3 -t 1235356556 1235357462

Example #2

Suppose we’ve run a full suite of magnetic injections at LLO end X, and have all the relevant DTT files saved in a directory LLO_EX_mag_DTTs. We can analyze all magnetometers there at once with the command

pemcoupling config.ini MAG --station EX -d LLO_EX_mag_DTTs/* --composite

We could just as well use our own custom channel list, so we wouldn’t have to invoke the ifo, station, and injection_type:

pemcoupling config.ini MAG -C my_favorite_LLO_EX_magnetometers.txt -d LLO_EX_mag_DTTs/* --composite

If we have the injection times already written to an injection table called some_injections.txt, we can use that instead:

pemcoupling config.ini MAG -C my_favorite_LLO_EX_magnetometers.txt -I some_injections.txt --composite

More options

Comb injections

By default pemcoupling computes broadband coupling functions. Use the --comb option to treat the injection(s) as comb injection(s). This will compute coupling only at comb frequencies, taking the local maximum in sensor amplitude around each frequency. If a frequency is provided, use that as the fundamental. Otherwise, the fundamental frequency is inferred from the name of the injection if possible.

# Treat all injections as 7.1 Hz comb injections
pemcoupling config.ini MAG -I injection_list.txt --comb 7.1

# Infer the comb frequencies of each injection based on its name
pemcoupling config.ini MAG -I injection_list.txt --comb

Coupling function thresholds

These are provided in the config files, but the command-line options allow you to override them for some quick tweaking:

pemcoupling config.ini ACC MIC -I injection_list.txt --sensor-threshold 3 --darm-threshold 1.5

Smoothing parameters

These are provided in the config files, but the command-line options allow you to override them for some quick tweaking:

pemcoupling config.ini ACC -I injection_list.txt --smoothing 5 0.5

The above choice of smoothing parameters would apply a spectrum smoothing window of width 5 Hz (at 100 Hz) to the injection spectrum of the PEM channel and 0.5 Hz (at 100 Hz) to the background spectrum of the PEM channel and both spectra of the GW channel. See the page on Smoothing for more information.

Amplitude ratio plots

A summary figure containing amplitude ratios for all channels during an injection can be generated with

pemcoupling config.ini ACC -C channel_list.txt -I injection_list.txt -r

This figure is useful for seeing the coverage of an injection without having to look at the individual plots of all the channels analyzed. You can opt to only generate a ratio plot (and not compute coupling functions) with the -R option instead.

Output directory

If the -t option is used to compute coupling for a single background time and injection time, the results are saved to a directory whose name is the time at which pemcoupling was run. Otherwise, if DTT file(s) or an injection list is used, each injection will have its own subdirectory, named after the injection.

By default these subdirectories are saved to your current working directory. Use the -o option to save to a different directory:

pemcoupling config.ini ACC -C channel_list.txt -I injection_list.txt -o output_directory


When dealing with massive channel lists, processing the injections in parallel can come in handy. To exploit this, use the --condor toggle and each injection will be submitted to Condor as a separate job:

pemcoupling config.ini ACC -C channel_list.txt -I injection_list.txt --condor

If also using the --composite flag to generate composite coupling functions, a pemcoupling-composite job will be run after all injections are complete. A subdirectory “jobs/<current gps time>” will be created containing the condor sub and dag files. Check on the progress of jobs with condor_q or via the log files in the jobs directory created in your current working directory.